Laurie Ingram
Sales Professional
State Line Office

Laurie's journey into real estate was practically written in the stars. With a lifelong fascination for homes and an insatiable curiosity about people's lifestyles, it was a no-brainer for her to dive into the world of real estate. Little did she know that her passion would turn into an all-consuming LOVE affair!

Based in the enchanting realm of the greater Kansas City Metropolitan area, Laurie is a true native who knows every nook and cranny of the city. When it comes to residential homes, she's the ultimate expert, helping her clients make moves that are as perfectly timed as a synchronized dance routine. From the very beginning to the triumphant end, Laurie's specialty lies in crafting an unforgettable experience that leaves her clients spellbound.

Before stepping into the real estate realm, Laurie was the proud owner and operator of The Independent Magazine, where she learned the mystical powers of advertising. Now, she's a regular advertising sorceress who understands the true magic of captivating marketing when it comes to buying and selling homes. When she's not busy making dreams come true for her clients, you can find Laurie indulging in her other passions, such as playing Bridge, hosting delightful soirées, jet-setting to exciting destinations, and orchestrating breathtaking transformations in her garden to inspire moments of deep introspection.

Consider Laurie the Fairy Godmother of Real Estate, ready to weave her spellbinding magic and guide you to the home of your dreams. With her enchanting abilities and unwavering dedication, she'll make your real estate wishes come true faster than you can say "abracadabra!"